- 学号: 1901030012
- 学习内容: MIT第9课视频文稿p6
- 学习用时: 128mins Notes no.: Day43
- Information hiding
So the whole reason why we’re using classes in object-oriented programming is so that you can abstract certain data from the user. One of the things you should be abstracting is these data attributes. So users shouldn’t really need to know how a class is implemented.
They should just know _how to use the class._
Eg: Let’s say whoever wrote the Animal class wants to change the implementation. And they’ve decided they don’t want to call the data attribute “age” anymore, they want to call it “years,” OK? So when they initialize an animal they say
self.years = age
. So an animal still gets initialized by its age. And the age gets passed into a data attribute named “years,”.
Since I’m implementing this class, I want to have a getter, which is going to return
. So I’m not returningself.age
anymore, because age is no longer the data attribute I’m using. So with this new implementation, if someone was using this implementation and was accessing age directly as— was accessing the data attribute age directly— with this new implementation, they’d actually get an error, right? Because this animal that they created using my old implementation no longer has an attribute named “age.” And so Python’s going to spit out an error saying no attribute found or something like that.
If they were using the getter
— the person who implemented the class reimplementedget_age()
to work correctly, right, with their new data attribute, years, as opposed to age— so if I was using the getterget_age()
, I wouldn’t have run into the bug, OK? So things to remember— write getters and setters for your classes. And later on in your code, use getters and setters to prevent bugs and to promote easy to maintain code.
so information hiding is great. But having said that, Python’s actually not very great at information hiding, OK? Python allows you to do certain things that you should never be doing:
1. The first is to access data attributes from outside of the class, OK? So if I were to say a.age, Python allows me to do that without using a getter and setter.
2. Python also allows you to write to data attributes from outside the class. [Eg](: So if I implemented the class Animal assuming that age was a number, an integer, and all of my methods work as long as age is an integer, but someone decided to be smart and, outside of the class, set age to be infinite as a string, that might cause the code to crash, OK? Python allows you to do that. But now you’re breaking the fact that age has to be an integer, right? So now the methods should probably be checking the fact that age is an integer all the time.)
3. The other thing that you’re allowed to do is to create data attributes outside of the class definition. [Eg](So if I wanted to create a new data attribute called “size” for this particular instance, Python also allows me to do that. And I can set it to whatever I want, OK? So Python allows you to do all these things, but it’s actually not good style to do any of them. So just don’t do it. All right.)
My boogieman is living in my illusion. Too much read between the lines.
_3.1_ Marcus.sleightofhand
_3.2_ My Angel.letustalkaboutit
所以,实际上最好的antivirus methods就是该干嘛干嘛,该作作业啊,,,“躲”着是个什么事儿,打开了作业指引读不进去的主要原因就是没想做作业。。。一条一条的读,记住自己读这个指引的任务是什么,拆解到最小单位的尝试输出,if offlined please try shifting back,practice makes progress。
_3.3_ Max.piggiefight
- Eyes on “ME”.
呀,谢谢自学营里每一位campmates们的鼓励、帮助与支持,有你们的世界真好,加油Cat! 感谢教练们,,,让我再gu(四声)qiu(轻声)一会儿。。。。。。黑线脸喵。。。