- 学号: 1901030012
- 学习内容: MIT第9课视频文稿p1-
- 学习用时: 20mins Notes no.: Day40
- 和@王蕊一起看她的代码问题
没有看到原始书本上的代码,目前我还不能完全理解那段代码的具体问题,报错是显示syntax error,那么是某些部分的语法有问题,我理解是不是强行使用int(str)
- 复习一下Pull Request
2.1 熟悉打卡模版格式Markdown文档要求的规范格式,通过自行练习输入的方式尽量完成。
2.2 使用Github Desktop与网页仓库进行push and pull,commit。
2.3 观察自己推到网页仓库的.md文档的格式显示的具体问题。
2.4 在本地仓库再次熟悉.md文档规范要求,调整后再update。再commit。
2.5 确认自己的文本符合规范后,准备new pull request。
2.6 @Maestro 然后留言等待审核merge,分享自己的最终文本显示页面链接到俺们营里。
- types vs. classes
object-oriented programming and classes
So implementing the class meant defining your own object type. So you defined the object type when you defined the class. And then you decided what data attributes you wanted to define in your object. So what data makes up the object? What is the object,
In addition to data attributes, we also saw these things called methods. And methods were ways to tell someone how to use your data type. So what are ways that someone can interact
with the data type, OK? So that’s from the point of view of someone who wants to write their own object type. So you’re implementing a class.
- 物理接近的好处就是,鲜活更具有说服力吧,keep alive。